The 1 Thing That Will Immediately Kill Your Acting Career

Today I want to address a big issue in our industry that few people are talking about, an issue which has the majority of actors spinning their wheels and wasting precious time and resources. Some call it being an innovative game changer. I see it as a game-ender, one that’s killing your precious career aspirations.
What is it? Resorting to gimmicks.
Let’s start with an example: Many years ago, an actor I knew was feeling frustrated that her mailed submissions weren’t getting results. She had a great resume and cover letter but wasn’t getting any bites. She’s always been innovative in pursuit of what she wanted, so for her next mailing, she did something unprecedented. Instead of the traditional white border, she printed her headshots with an aqua border. Guaranteed to get the industry’s attention, right?
Sort of. Unfortunately, this gimmick got her noticed for all the wrong reasons. Casting directors thought, “What is so wrong with what she’s offering that she has to resort to tricks to get noticed?”
Some may think looking at the industry standard and turning it on its head is a great way to prove that we can think outside the box. “Look at me! I’m exciting!

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