The Psychology of Color in Branding

Image Credit: The Logo Company

Something to think about when considering branding: What is your favorite color? You know, the color that is most prominent in your wardrobe or home decorating? Do you know what that color represents in our society?

From an article in Entrepreneur magazine: “In an appropriately titled study called Impact of Color in Marketing, researchers found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone (depending on the product).”

In the section above, replace the word “product” with “actors” and you’ll see just how’s relevant it is.

Check out this article and see how it compares to how you want to be seen as an actor – it will heavily influence how you put your website, postcards, business cards and personal style to good use!

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Erin Cronican’s career as a professional actor and career coach has spanned the last 25 years in New York City, Los Angeles and San Diego. She has appeared in major feature films and on television, and has done national tours of plays and musicals. She has worked in the advertising & marketing departments of major corporations, film production companies, theater magazines, and non-profit acting organizations. To learn more, check out

Resolutions for Actors

At the beginning of every year actors pour over the triumphs and tribulations of the previous year and come up with resolutions that will carry them into the new year. One of the things I’ve noticed is that resolutions are often “fixes” of the past with goalposts that are way to big to manage (or worse, have no measurement at all so you don’t even know if you’ve achieved it. Like. “Be Happier.” How do you measure that?) I find myself disliking many of the resolutions I hear about, but I recently found a Playbill article that has 10 resolutions for actors that really made me think. I particularly liked two of them:

2) Stop worrying about the parts of my body that I can’t change


9) Not believe that any one person has the answer
Take a look at the full list here on Playbill:

I have the same resolution that I use year after year: This year will be the best year of my life. And every year it is, because a resolution is really a state of mind, not a goal to attain.

What resolutions did you make for your career at the beginning of 2015? It’s almost February – are there any that have falls by the wayside? What revisions would you give yourself based on the article? Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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Erin Cronican’s career as a professional actor and career coach has spanned the last 25 years in New York City, Los Angeles and San Diego. She has a weekly “Expert” column on the business of acting at Backstage magazine. As an actor, Erin has appeared in major feature films and on television, and has appeared Off Broadway, regionally and on national tour with both plays and musicals. She has worked in the advertising & marketing departments of several major corporations, film production companies, theater magazines, and non-profit acting organizations. To learn more, check out